About KMTC
NOTICE OF “FLEXI BAG WEB BOOKING” Thanks for using KMTC services. With regard to the above, Booking FlexiBag in Web, please be noticed that How to input FB information is changed as like bellows 1. When choosing Flexi Bag in Special cargo type, the Box of FlexiBag information is shown
2. Inputting the FlexBag information. - COMMODITY, Manufacturer or COA – supplied name, Cargo Status, Hazardous, Marine Pollutant, Single trip or not(New or not), Flash Point, Gross Weight, Net Weight, Cargo Volume, Flexibag Max, loadable capacity, Filling(automatically calculated, cargo volume/Flexibag Max) - Cautions : Hazardous or Marine Pollutant : the transportation will be rejected Packing the used Flexibag : the transportation will be rejected More than Cargo Volume 25,000 liter: the transportation will be rejected 3. By “File Upload” Button, you can upload the relevant files. For KMTC vessel : MSDS, LOI, COA membership certificate are necessary For Joint vessel: Insurance, COA rail impact test report are also necessary including MSDS, LOI, COA membership certificate |
Prev | New Service- AIM (Asia Middle East service). | 2015. 06. 26 |
Next | KMTC - India Import / Export Tariff | 2015. 07. 29 |